Whatever You Are Feeling, Let it Happen, Let it Out, Let it Go

There is a process built into life that bring us into wholeness.  This process is manifested when our fears are triggered by life experiences so the energy of fear can come to the surface to be released.  When a person resists these uncomfortable feelings they magnify, making what you feel even worse.  To release these lower states of being, one must fully accept and embrace them.  Only from this place of unconditional acceptance can the negative expression be fully felt and processed in a healthy way.  As these lower states of being are released, your disconnected self begins a process of integration.  A process of moving into unity and harmony.  First with self, and then with all of life.  Since it is your ego mind that creates the barriers that separate you from your true essence, the journey to wholeness must be an inward journey, beyond the ego mind into stillness. This one of the reasons why I consider meditation so important.

When any negative state of being is present, it is arising from within as a larger process of purification of mind and body.  Therefore, when dark times invariably happen, it is best to see what is happening from this perspective. These lower states of being represent the false self: the part of you that believes it is separate from the world and all of life around you. These lower states of being, need to be integrated as they are the barriers that prevent you from experiencing yourself as you truly are.  As this process of purification and integration continues you reach a tipping point where you begin to connect with your Greater self: your spirit, your soul or the divine self.  It is that which is you but goes waaay beyond body and mind.  

When you tap into this greater self, you access the higher states of being.  Love, compassion, gratitude, appreciation, joy.  All begin to arise from within because the internal barriers of negativity preventing you from experiencing these states of being have been dissolved.  The lower states of being cannot have any hold over you when you are connected with your true essence.

Everything you are going through, anxiety, depression, loneliness, sadness, all of it…. is a purging of the false self.  It is there as a part of an overall purification process that leads you to this one truth:  That you are far more than you believe yourself to be.

Once you begin to understand this not only as a concept, but to know it as a direct firsthand experience, your whole perception of life irrevocably changes.

Much Love to All

folow me on instagram @davehurdle

or on youtube as awakeningenergy