It’s quite obvious that the primary form of abundance that most people recognize and covet is money. There’s a strong belief that in order to do what you want, have what you want, and be free that you need to be able to have large amounts of money in your life. The common perception is that having more money correlates with more freedom, success and happiness. This perception is incorrect in most circumstances. There is a strong association between money and meeting your basic survival needs that should be honored, but if money is the only form of abundance that you recognize in your life then you will be limiting your growth and development. There are other forms of abundance that can be much more valuable and it is very important that you be able to recognize the value of what is being given to you instead of getting stuck in the idea that all you need is more money to have all of the answers that you’re looking for. What are these forms of abundance? Let’s examine them.
In truth there is only one form of primary abundance and that is love. To most people this would seem so far-fetched and vague as to not be helpful. So let’s break this down a little bit more in order to grasp the concept being presented. Love is energy. Love is the very fabric of reality. The more you have access to that energy, the more you are an alignment with the very flow of existence, the more the entire universe supports you in your endeavours. If you are operating from love then the universe can bring you opportunity, synchronicity and that which can bring you true fulfillment but may not even know it yet. When you are manifesting from a place of love it will not be driven by greed for your own personal benefit at the expense of the collective. We all rise and fall together and if your manifestation attempts are suppressing or keeping other aspects of the collective down then you are only doing the same to yourself. Can you not see how this will limit your manifestation attempts? When you are manifesting from a place of love typically you are going to be manifesting from a desire to help not only yourself but others as well. The greater your desire to manifest for the benefit of the collective, then the greater your potential to manifest will be. This is the general mechanics of how it works but lets break it down even further in order to provide specific actions that you can take.
Connection to Higher Guidance
The more you are connected to the true nature of who you are the more you will be in alignment with your highest potential to create. Your experience of this will grow and change over time but the essence of the message is true. Build and strengthen your connection to the highest aspects of yourself possible and learn to live and love from that aspect of yourself. What this means practically is to be able to connect with your higher guidance at any given moment. Connect to the part of you that is the most loving, the most compassionate, the most giving and the least fearful and build a very strong bridge to that connection so you can access it at any time. This can mean many things for different people. It can mean having a very strong intuition. It can mean connecting with your heart. It can mean connecting with the flow of life, being able to read the external signs life is showing you or having a physical sensation of being lighter and uplifted. Divinity is communicating with us always, but its up to you to be able to receive and interpret the messages you are being given. You have many more senses then just the five physical senses. As you become a more conscious and loving being, your higher senses and faculties will start to come online. If you can recognize what sense works best for you then you will have a way of connecting with the highest most loving aspect of yourself. This is the place that you want to connect to in order to manifest properly. Your higher guidance has an ability to see what future your actions are going to manifest for you. When you are coming from a highest possible place of love, the higher aspect of you that can see the future benefits of your choices will provide opportunity and synchronicity in the present that will lead you into the highest path possible. This is not something that the physical mind is capable of, as it goes beyond logic. So it is very important to build that bridge of connection with your higher guidance and learn to trust that it is always going to take you into the highest place possible. When taking action, you must be able to connect with the resonant frequency of the outcome of that action and this frequency comes to you as a feeling or sensation. A deep knowing or feeling such as excitement or joy. This is your direct communication from your highest most loving aspect saying “Yes! do that!” Without this connection to higher guidance you will be invariable left with the ideas that society has imprinted upon you as sources of direction in your life and those ideas will not always be in alignment with what is really meaningful for you. There are ways to build and strengthen your higher guidance. It is a learned skill just like anything else. If you are feeling stuck in your attempts to move in a certain direction in your life and not sure why its not working, start with this. It may take some practice, but it will be an invaluable tool to have.
Energy and vitality
The next form of primary abundance is energy and vitality. It is very difficult to be able to create the experience you desire when you are exhausted and tired. When you want to manifest at a very great level, many things will be asked of you that demand a lot of time and energy. If you do not have this energy within you, then you will always find it difficult to maintain forward momentum in any direction. You will invariably revert to your previous habits because your survival needs take precedence and energy will be required for keeping you’re the basic functions of your body. You need to have more than just the bare amount of energy to maintain physical health. You need to have an excess of energy to put into something greater. There is no point in manifesting at a high-level if you are just going to exhaust yourself. This shows a lack of love for your body. The more exhausted you get the more disconnected from your true self you will be, making it very difficult to maintain connection with your higher guidance. Keeping your physical energy reserves topped up and overflowing will ensure that the energy you are putting into what you want to create will not cause harm to you in the process. This is where a tremendous amount of people fall short today. Poor sleep, eating junk food, lack of movement and exposure to higher levels of pollution than ever all deplete the bodies energy causing it to be in constant fight or flight mode. This will make it very difficult for you to create the experience of life that you want to have. If you feel like this is the case for you, then your focus of manifestation should be more on energy and vitality. Not money, success, or more stuff. When the bodies vital energies have been restored you will be able to build a stronger connection to your most loving aspects and launch in a new direction from there.
Loving Relationships
The next primary form of abundance that you should always be aware of is abundance of loving relationships. This could mean an abundance of social connections or a deep love with your spouse and a few close friends. Let’s start with love in relationships as an abundance of social connections. In this case, love in relationships refers to having a high degree of truth, honesty, and mutual respect in your friendships. If you cannot have a high degree of love in your friendships, then people will generally stay away from you or you them. This will leave you to fend for yourself, or when engaged in a business relationship there will be a lot of stress that blocks the creative process. When you have a high degree of love in your friendships this will multiply the number of people that you can interact with in a positive way. It is much easier for the combined efforts of all to achieve the goal then just the individual. There is an exponential magnification effect within reality that happens when more than one person is focused on the same result. The more people that are focused on a result, the greater the beacon it sends out to the universe about what the collective desire is. Others that you have connected to that are in alignment with what you are wanting to manifest will also provide more opportunity, synchronicity, knowledge and points of view then you could possibly provide on your own. In order to manifest at a level greater than you are, you must connect two or more like-minded individuals in order to push that manifestation forward. It is also beneficial for having abundance of social connections because each individual does not have to put in the great amount of an effort that the individual would have to put into the same outcome. Meaning if you had one person putting out a hundred percent effort to get the desired result it would only take 10 people 10% effort to get the desired result. This would help you conserve and maintain your own energy and vitality. If it can take you less effort to manifest what you want, then why would you not want to do that? In order to connect with the people that you will need to meet to move forward on your path you will have to express your desires vocally into the universe and act in accordance with those desires. The louder and longer you express your desires to the universe, the more likely it is you will attract other people that are in alignment with you. If you continue this over the long term it will continue to have a snowball effect where you attract such a great amount of people into the co-creation that it will take on a life of its own. This is an amazing thing, but it will require a deeper level of surrender of control to the process itself. The greater the number of people you serve with your co-creation the more resources you will attract to yourself. You may get wealthy at this point, but it is not the prime reason for the resources coming your way. Many of the resources you attract at this stage will be for the implementation of projects on a mass scale.
Having deep and strong connections to the people that are closest to you (i.e. family) can be a great form of abundance in a person’s life. When you build these connections, they enable you to hold very high frequencies of love in the form of devotion, surrender, forgiveness and humility. The people closest to you will invariably reflect at you the deepest fragmented parts of yourself that you need to integrate. Without integrating these parts of self then the unconscious shadow will always have a say in what you are trying to manifest. When you integrate these unconscious aspects of self, your inner light will shine so much brighter making it easier to connect to your most loving self. You will then be manifesting from a much higher frequency. It cannot be emphasized enough that learning to be happy living a simple life with good health and a deep connection in your relationships is all that you really need. Do not underestimate the importance of this and do not let the imprint of greed from society ever override this knowledge. If you are desiring more, then make sure it is coming from a place of service to the greater good rather than thinking your life will be somehow happier or more fulfilling if you could just be more successful. That type of thinking shuts the door very quickly to what life wants to provide for you.
Time and having lots of it, is probably one of the most unrecognized forms of abundance. You may not have an abundance of money or social connections, but you may have a tremendous abundance of time. That is because there might be special tasks required of you that do not require social connections or money, but are absolutely necessary for your forward progress. The prime example of this is in the awakening process. Waking up to your true nature can require a very high amount of solitude over time. That is because you are now taking the inward journey. To access the true connection to yourself you must go within. You must learn to identify all the thoughts and beliefs that are not in alignment with love. And when you do this there can be a tremendous purging of negative emotions that needs to happen. This is a sort of spiritual cleansing of the self and all that is no longer necessary for you to hold on to in order to move forward on your path in life. Many on the spiritual path will go through this awakening process and will be taken care of during this time in order for the spiritual maturing to reach fruition. There is such a strong push for everyone to achieve and have material success that this can sometimes override your own spiritual awakening process. If you are going through this and you find yourself with lots of time, use that time wisely for your own internal healing and mental emotional rewiring. But if the belief persists that you need to go out there and make more money and you cannot recognize that you have been given an abundance of time to do the inner work then it will only serve to distract you and prevent you from moving forward on your awakening journey. During the process of awakening do your best not to worry about manifesting excess materiality and learn to be happy with a simple life and just getting by with the basics. Learn to be content with what you only need and not what you want. As was stated earlier, the more of a connection you build with your highest most loving self the more power it gives you to experience a higher level of your creation. The whole point of the awakening process is to purge all of you that is not in alignment with love so you can become a greater loving being and experience life from this new place. The awakening process requires tremendous amounts of your own personal vitality. It can leave you drained and tired. As stated earlier when you don’t have any energy, manifesting attempts often fall short to preserve energy for the body’s vital functions. When you are going through the awakening process do not worry so much about money and manifestation. You have been given the form of abundance that you need, which is time. Learn to let yourself be taken care of and let the resources appear to you as needed without wanting more. This requires a very high degree of trust in the process. When you have completed your transformation, you can then start to manifest from a place of higher vitality and deeper connection to the new you that is emerging. Recognize that if you are in the circumstances where you have a lot of free time, it is a primary form of abundance and the universe have given it to you for a reason.
The final form of primary abundance to recognize is freedom. The faulty perception that most people have around freedom is that more money is required for you to be free do what you want, when you want. The issue with this distorted perception is that you are making your freedom dependent on meeting the criteria of external circumstances. Freedom is not external, it is an internal state of being. Freedom is the ability to recognize when your fears are controlling your behavior and choose to not let them do so. The external circumstance becomes a trigger for the fear but the act of free will is completely inside you and not at all dependent on money. Sometimes this means moving away from your fears. Other times it means acting in a way that takes you out of your comfort zone. Saying to yourself I will finally be free to do what I want when I have more money is a statement of giving your power away to a future that may or may not never come. It takes you far out of the present moment which is the only time that freedom can only truly be had. There are many people that have accumulated a high amount of material wealth but are not free at all. The most important point to stress here is that when you are free to not let your fears get the best of you, it allows you to follow your higher guidance. From this point you will be able to move with less resistance through life. You will be able to recognize the flow of life around you and behave in a way that takes you with that flow. Having the freedom to surrender your will to the divine will is the ultimate act of freedom. Surrendering your free will would seem to be a paradox but it is not. In the pre-awakened or early awakening stages, your free will still comes primarily from the disconnected and fractured self. You cannot see the whole picture, so choices are still made from a state of lack. Once you connect to your divine nature you realize that divine will and your will are one in the same, but you have not aligned with it yet. Therefore, there is no paradox. So what fear is it that stops you from doing what you truly want? What idea or perception has such a grip on you that it controls your behaviour in a way that prevents you from becoming your true self? If you can practice overcoming such distorted perceptions on a regular basis then you will have acquired a very important form of primary abundance in freedom.
In every interaction there must be a fair exchange of energy. Both sides of the equation should be balanced. If it isn’t, that leads to a lack of flow of energy. This means you must know when to give and receive in order to keep the flow of energy going. Money is just the physical representation of that energetic exchange. It does have value and is necessary, so I do not want to understate it’s importance. But it is only one form of abundance and you will be missing out on all the other forms of abundance the universe can provide for you if money is all you are focused on. Abundance comes in many forms. In order to evolve into a more loving being, the primary forms of abundance are 1) access to your higher guidance, 2) physical energy and vitality, 3) loving relationships 4) free time 5) inner freedom – the choice to not let your fears control you. Look at which of these categories you may fall short in and then start to take steps to correct the deficiency. You may find that when you have more access to these forms of abundance, life will move in a better way for you.