Part of the process of our own conscious evolution is learning to bring awareness to and master our own thoughts and emotions. We carry deep areas of energetic density within our being. These areas of contraction are reflective of conscious or unconscious fear based beliefs that we hold within us. These beliefs can be what we inherit from society, formed from our own experiences, or are portion of the collective consciousness to which we are all connected. As we progress through different stages in our evolution we begin to have greater awareness and mastery over these internal energies. The following is a breakdown of the different stages a person can go through in their process. At early stages you may need more help and at later stages the process will start to direct itself. The idea is to see if you can recognize where you are at in your journey so you can start to take steps to move to the next stage.
Suppression – this can be a protective mechanism to safeguard the mind against trauma or it can be due to societal conditioning or simply not being comfortable with what you feel. When you suppress your emotions the energy gets stored in the body where over time it creates blockages in energy flow and becomes a drain on the body. This can contribute to poor health in the body and mind if not dealt with. Buried emotions become a large driving factor in a persons behavior and at this stage a person will likely have little control over their own actions.
Polarization – What is suppressed must be expressed and as emotions start come to the surface you will experience alternating periods of intense highs and lows. Every emotion has a specific frequency that contributes to your resonant field. Your field magnetizes you to circumstances and events that are of like frequency. This means that life will put you in scenarios that trigger the expression of emotion (usually beyond your control). The purpose of this is to causes the release of the suppressed energy from your system. However, if you try to hold onto the highs and suppress the lows you only intensify them making things worse. This stage is the proverbial dark knight of the soul where there is much turmoil. The pendulum swings far to one side and then the other but it does eventually slow down. There is a natural cleansing process that is taking place here so allow it to happen to the best of your ability. It is very important to find healthy methods of expression without harming yourself or anyone else otherwise you will continue to make things worse. The trap here is of course to fall back to suppression. Whatever is coming up is usually very uncomfortable and the reaction will be to try and numb it out. Do your best to accept the uncomfortable to the degree that you can. It will eventually pass. This is the beginning of some deep changes taking place within and your path forward may change greatly so try not to hold on to tightly to your expectations of how life should be.
Diversion – For those in tune with their body then the primary way to deal with heightened emotional states becomes diverting or channeling it into movement or activity. Any type of exercise, dance, martial arts, sports etc… becomes the vehicle for dissipating the energy. Otherwise, if you let the negative emotions govern your actions you are likely to revert back to polarization. The trap here is to become attached to the pleasure provided by the movement or identify with certain levels of performance. When there is an excess of energy it must be released. When there is no longer an excess of charge then too much intensity or duration of movement can create a drain on the system and halt your development. When the emotional energy dissipates to a certain level a natural reduction of activity will occur. Stay in tune with your body so you know when to move on.
Creation – For those in tune with their imagination then creation can be the primary vehicle for the expression of your emotions. For some this will be an alternate to diverting the energy into movement. Creation can be a great tool for self healing and to aid others in their journey. As emotional energy dissipates then the desire to create should reduce accordingly. The catch here is if the person becomes to attached to their creations as a source of identity then the person may seek out highly charged emotional or dramatic situations just to be able to continue the creative process. It becomes more like an addiction than a source of healing and your development stagnates.
Refinement – Emotions create a veil through which you perceive your reality. External circumstances are always labelled in such a way that reinforces the energetic density within your system regardless if it is an accurate assessment or not. As density continues to be cleared you begin to stabilize. You will start to have greater awareness of what is arising at a subtle level and enter the process of refinement by choosing to go deeper within to filter through your thoughts and feelings. This means that the distortion through which you have been perceiving reality starts to disappear and you gain great clarity and discernment on what is. Many of your triggers disappear and you become the calm in the storm. The psyche becomes less fractured and starts to reorganize and to move into alignment with the heart. The primary tool at this stage to maintain balance is the breath and stillness.
Transmutation – Transmutation is an advanced stage in ones’ development that purifies the individuals’ deepest areas of density within their energetic blueprint. Ultimately you begin to see the true nature of emotions. They are just energy. Nothing more and nothing less. As the mind assigns positive or negative value to a variety of events, then your life force energy adopts the frequency of the judgement. This translates into the variety of sensations that you feel in the body when emotions arise. As the mind moves into greater alignment with the heart then the mind defines situations in greater accordance with love. This causes your life force energy to adopt a much higher frequency. From this then your own vital energy starts to move at greater speed throughout your body as there is less resistance from the pockets of energetic density within you. As your vital energy moves through certain channels within you it has a purifying effect that transmutes deeper areas of energetic density. This causes those emotions to be brought to the surface to go through an accelerated process of release and refinement. This causes the mind to then move into even greater alignment with the heart. At this stage there is the free flow of emotional energy without any desire to alter the natural expression of the energy. There is no judgement, need to heal/fix, or attachment to any narrative the mind comes up with to keep the fear-based belief alive. To feel fully and release fully in the moment is emotional freedom. In this stage the process of awakening to your spiritual self becomes more tangible and the acquired self will start to dissolve. The trap here is to hold onto self identity. For the mind, having no identity at all can be a very scary thing. This phase will go at its own pace and in its own way. The try not to force or direct the process in anyway as that is your ego trying to insert itself in the process. This will usually slow your progress or even be harmful. Trust and surrender.
Much love,
Follow me on instagram @davehurdle