Energy – The cumulative energy drain over time from a busy mind is enormous. A person can literally think themselves into exhaustion if they are not aware of what is going on in their own head. Having a calm mind can liberate enough energy for you to put into things like exercise, proper eating or … Continue reading 3 Great Reasons To Calm Your Mind
Unconscious Behavioral Patterns
Here are some examples of some patterns of behaviour I have witnessed in working with people over the years. Go on a diet. Loose weight. Go off the diet. Gain weight. Repeat. Spend money on a course to make money. Don’t make any money and go further in debt. Repeat. Meet your soulmate. Relationship is … Continue reading Unconscious Behavioral Patterns
Upgrade Your Definition of Love
We are all here to learn to love and be loved. The biggest mistake people make about love in relationships is confusing it for attachment. The more you are reliant on others as your only source of love, the greater disconnect there will be between what you believe love to be and your experience of … Continue reading Upgrade Your Definition of Love
How to Use Will Power
The proper use of will power is to direct it internally. Trying to use your willpower against a glass of wine, cigarette, or krispy kreme is futile. The external is the trigger, but it is not the source of the problem. There is an impulse inside you that is causing your bad habit. The impulse … Continue reading How to Use Will Power
Identify Your Repetitive Thoughts
Repetitive thoughts build up a charge that are stored in the body as emotion. Eventually the charge gets so great that it must express itself. After some time, these repetitive thoughts sink down into the unconscious and continue to cycle without your awareness. This works for ideas that are positive. Less so for thoughts that … Continue reading Identify Your Repetitive Thoughts
Conscious Relationships
After almost 20 years of going from heaven to hell and back (a few times) with my soulmate you know what I have learned? Through my own actions/inactions and faulty perceptions there has been always been some way that I have contributed to situations that created stress. Always. I had to own my shit! This … Continue reading Conscious Relationships
Reasons Why You Make Poor Food Choices
If you struggle to eat healthy and have asked yourself “What diet should I be on?” It would be more appropriate to ask yourself “Why do I make poor food choices?” People generally know that it is healthier to eat a yummy apple than a crispy crème. Despite this fact, many struggle to make the … Continue reading Reasons Why You Make Poor Food Choices
Using Stillness to Break Bad Habits
So many of our bad habits today are just the body’s way of trying to balance out its energy levels. When you are low you grab for whatever picks you up. When you are high you grab for whatever brings you back down. When body awareness is low these habits become automatic and usually come … Continue reading Using Stillness to Break Bad Habits
4 Keys to Healthy Lifestyle Habits
Before making any healthy lifestyle changes it is best to qualify yourself to see if the change is going to stick (or not). First ask yourself these four questions. Am I going to enjoy this? – spending time performing tasks that you hate in order to achieve an end result is no way to live. … Continue reading 4 Keys to Healthy Lifestyle Habits
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
As vitality decreases so can your mental operating system. When vitality is high you operate from the cerebral cortex. Reason and objectivity are balanced with creativity and abstract thinking. This gives a person a high capacity to solve problems and navigate life challenges. As health decreases the mind reverts to the amygdala or emotional brain. … Continue reading Healthy Body, Healthy Mind