Let Go Of What You Want, Be Happy With What You Need

One of the big ways that we add stress to our lives is chasing after wants/desires that are not necessary or out of alignment with our life path. Being in lockdown has eliminated this behaviour for many as it no longer fits the current paradigm.  As a result, it has forced many of us to clarify what really matters.

For me its relationships and health.  Those are my core values.  Any action I take that supports these keeps me in alignment.  Any action I take that opposes these takes me out of balance.

The daily mindful practice here is to observe when you are wanting things to go back to way they use to be.  Most of society is probably doing this and I catch myself doing it all the time.  Once you catch yourself in this line of thinking, ask yourself “Does what I am wanting truly matter to me?” If you are pining for things that are not important then you are self creating your own disharmony. It’s time to start the process of letting go. 

Clarify and simplify.

Be clear on what truly matters to you.  Decision making then becomes simple (although acting on those choices may still present challenges.)  Knowing this and letting go of all the rest keeps your mind in alignment with your spirit. This has profound effects on you overall well being. 

When all this is over, if you have let go of something and it comes back to you anyways: it’s yours.  You can enjoy it with a greater sense of appreciation and gratitude.

Much Love To All!