How you define current events determines your life path.

Looking at the events that is happening in the world with Coronavirus. It’s very interesting to note how different people are labeling what is going on and why it is happening. Some people are looking at this great pause that we are taking as a society and labeling it as an opportunity to spend time in deep reflection about the choices we are all making individually and as a collective. To look in the mirror a little bit deeper as it were. Other people are looking at this whole covid-19 pause as a way to look at the greater picture and our effect on the planet and citing very true examples of how the Earth is healing itself and of how the biosphere is a regenerating living organism. They’re using covid as a way to connect to the greater damage that we are doing to our planet and build awareness of how we can change that. Those are two positive examples of how people are perceiving the reason why the benefits that can be gained from this Coronavirus pause or why they think this is happening. However, there are also some negative views of why this is happening. Some people like to think that this has been created as an act of bioterrorism and is just another method to instill fear in the population.  This then makes us easier to control by some mysterious Shadow deep state government. Others are just absolutely so terrified that they hoard as much as they can because a part of them thinks the end of the world is coming. These last two examples tend to lean towards defining the experience from the view of fear instead of love.

 Since how we label events determines our experience of life and the path that we are moving forward on, let’s look at these different labels and how they contribute to your life path.

The future is wide open with possibility.  Some events have a high probability of occurring and some don’t. What increases the probability of an event happening is how much you think, feel and act in accordance with the frequency of the event to happen. If a possible positive event in the future has a very high or positive frequency, then you have to think feel and act at a level of frequency that matches that future event.  If there is a probable negative event in the future that is of a dense frequency, then in order to experience that event you have to think, feel and act at a low enough vibration to match and experience that probable event.  This happens on an individual level and a collective level.  The individual frequency affects the collective and the collective frequency affects the individual. It works both ways.  But the overall average vibration of the collective does determine the collective outcome of experiences like coronavirus since this affects everyone. 

Every moment that we have there are essentially two choices that a person can make. The choice between love and fear. The more you focus on, talk about, and project fear based labels onto current events, and the more you spread that fear through the collective, the more likely it is that you will start to move into the future that matches how you are labelling events. In this case, creating a reality where there is so much scarcity that hoarding becomes necessary or a reality that the shadow governments control over the population becomes all pervasive. On the converse side the more you label the Coronavirus pause as a way for all of us to come together to look at the consequences of our actions to heal the planet or look within yourself to become a better person, and surround yourself with stories from the media that back up that perception and spread that message into the collective, the more likely it becomes that you will move forward on that timeline towards healing the planet.

So now that you know this you can step back and take a look at how you are labelling the Coronavirus pause and why you think it is happening.  Now ask yourself is this really the path that I want to move forward on in my life? Do I really want to create a future with a shadow government controlling the population or do I want to move into a future where the planet can heal itself?  The answer should be obvious. But If labelling this as a deep state conspiracy to control the population is really how you want to proceed in the future and you will enjoy doing that, then by all means go ahead and label the covid-19 pause as that, but do not for one minute believe that just because it is true for you, it is also true for other people. If you find yourself drawn to all sorts of conspiracy theories about why this is happening and how much fear it is creating and that is not the path you want to move forward on in life, then simply choose to define the experience in another way that is more uplifting and loving. If this is not enough then surround yourself with people and media that serve to reinforce that higher definition.  to cement the definition in even deeper then express that new perception into the collective so it can be reflected back at you at such a great level that the old fears start to melt away. When you do this moment by moment in your life you will slowly but surely adjust the trajectory of your life into a future that is higher and more loving for you. You will start to slowly witness all of the conspiracy theories dissipate or see them as some type of unconscious reflection of some deep-seated fear that you have, but you will be able to go within and manage that fear and transmute it into a higher form of  emotion like compassion or love.

Now the key here is not just to do this only with the duration of the coronavirus but also apply that fundamental aspect of how you choose to label current events that determines your future path in life and apply it to every other theme in your life. How are you choosing to label your relationship with your significant other or job? The more you choose to label it as a negative experience the more that will be reflected back at you and you will eventually move into a timeline in the future where that experience becomes so unbearable as to cause the end of the relationship or job. Sometimes  we are so unaware  of our shadow aspect that the negative definition of the experience over time continues to be reflected and magnified out us to such a strong degree that we are no longer able to contain those negative emotions and there is a literal explosion of negative emotion causing a temporary ending or breaking of that experience.  It is only in the future when things have settled down and you are back in the centre can you look back and truly realize or label what was going on and how your misperception of the situation was causing your own problems. In the process of self inquiry, start to look at how you are labelling all of your experiences and how you are creating the story of the experience yourself and how that story self reinforces itself over time creating a stronger version of that story in order for you to finally wake up to how you are labelling that experience. The mechanism is self-reinforcing in order to give you a clearer view about what you are experiencing and whether you want to continue experiencing it in the way that you were labelling it or not.

Now let’s take it one step further and look at the past. What things have happened to you in the past that caused you to label the experience in a certain way that was not positive for you and every time you think about that experience you continue to re-label it in the exact same way causing a further reinforcements of the negative perception of what happened. We all do this and we all carry these negative labels and definitions of experiences forward with us throughout our lives. These negative perceptions of the past can be an immense block to our awakening process as they keep us on a trajectory in life that continues to mirror and reflect negativity back us. This can make it very difficult to heal and grow and awaken to your true self. Can you look at how you have labelled experiences in the past and can you now look at those experiences through a different lens? Can you at least try and label the experience in more neutral terms rather than negative terms. Sometimes making a leap from labelling a fearful experience into a positive one can be too much of a jump for people to make. So slowly try to chip away at some of those stories you have told yourself about the past that continued to reinforce negative experiences moving forward and little by little, find a way to rewire and redefine things that have happened to you in a slightly different way. Slowly open your mind to things that you did not see and to the lessons you have yet to learn from those experiences. Begin to allow a way for you to finally start to forgive and let go of the fear and negativity that you are holding on to.

So look at how you are labeling what is happening with the Coronavirus pause and realize that definition contributes towards the collective path we are all on. Simply ask yourself is this the future that I want to experience? If it is not, you have the power to change it by simply choosing to perceive or label the situation in a different way than you are now and expressing that view to add to the collective. If we can all look at this in a slightly more positive way then that can adjust our collective path that we are all on together. Much love to everyone in their Awakening process.