Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

As vitality decreases so can your mental operating system.

When vitality is high you operate from the cerebral cortex.  Reason and objectivity are balanced with creativity and abstract thinking. This gives a person a high capacity to solve problems and navigate life challenges. 

As health decreases the mind reverts to the amygdala or emotional brain.  Decisions are made based on chasing pleasure/instant gratification without regard to long term consequences.  It becomes difficult to see how moving out of your comfort zone can sometimes be beneficial.

If stress is high and lasting it depletes the bodies resources. The body goes into chronic fight or flight.  The reptilian part of your brain starts to take over.  Even small things can be interpreted as a threat, so choices are made from a place of fear without regard to the effects on self or others.  Reason, creativity, empathy and will power are greatly reduced.

However, it works both ways.

If a person is taught that life is fearful and everything is a threat, it will put the body in chronic flight or flight and deplete vitality.

If there is lack of awareness of chasing instant gratification, that will take its toll on physical health.


If a person learns to manage their emotions, operate from reason and access their creative mind then there is opportunity for the body to thrive. You cannot separate mind form body so always come at it from both directions.  Build vitality in the body for the benefit of your mind. Build self awareness and train your mind to have abundant energy in your body.