Would it make sense to keep bailing water out of a boat without plugging the leak first? Of course not. Yet this is how many of us live our lives. We all try to say yes to healthy eating, exercise and loving relationships but it never seems to stick. If you have been struggling with … Continue reading Plug Your Energy Leaks
Category: Uncategorized
Stages of Awakening
When you are going through transformation it is important to give yourself stillness to allow for what needs to come to the surface. The old version of you is on its way out and a new version of you is arising within. Whatever is coming up for you is totally valid and must not be … Continue reading Stages of Awakening
What form of abundance do you need?
It’s quite obvious that the primary form of abundance that most people recognize and covet is money. There’s a strong belief that in order to do what you want, have what you want, and be free that you need to be able to have large amounts of money in your life. The common perception is … Continue reading What form of abundance do you need?
Transmute The Darkness Into Light
We are both light and dark. It is natural for us to want to dwell in the light. It feels comfortable and pleasurable. Expansion through the light is effortless and easy because we want to be there. But if we only want to stay in the light, we can never really truly know who we … Continue reading Transmute The Darkness Into Light
Why is this happening?
This is a very big question that people ask when they lose control in their life or when things have happened in a way that do not meet up with our expectations of what should be. When people ask this question, it is often coming from a place of a lack of empowerment, helplessness or … Continue reading Why is this happening?
How you define current events determines your life path.
Looking at the events that is happening in the world with Coronavirus. It’s very interesting to note how different people are labeling what is going on and why it is happening. Some people are looking at this great pause that we are taking as a society and labeling it as an opportunity to spend time … Continue reading How you define current events determines your life path.
Three keys to the awakening process.
The Three Keys to Awakening Process There is a tremendous reserve of bio-energy within us just waiting to be unleashed. This energy, when released, purifies your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies and gives you a tangible experience of the truth of who you are. You are love. Eternal and infinite with unlimited creative intelligent … Continue reading Three keys to the awakening process.