This is what it is like to live from the mind:
Find a goal. Work hard to meet the goal. Achieve Goal. Find a new goal. Repeat.
This is what it is like to live from the heart:
Become a more loving person and let the external world be a reflection of that.
Sometimes we get so focused on the end result, we forget to enjoy the journey along the way.
Goals are great to have as they can provide motivation and direction. But this is only part of the equation. There can be a big difference between what your mind wants and what your heart wants. If your goal is ego-based then what you are working for will be temporary and not provide any lasting fulfilment.
When you bring joy and appreciation to self and others you level up your vibe in a huge way. This higher vibe signals life to bring you synchronicities you may never have seen if you were focused solely on achieving what you thought you wanted.
When life does not work out to your expectations, let go of the expectation. What your mind wants is blocking what your heart intends. Do the inner work and keep upping your vibe. Then, let the universe meet you halfway. What will come to you is often better than what you expected.
This is how you let life work for you.
That way you can enjoy the journey and the result.