Every thought without context is neutral. As soon as you judge something to be good or bad the thought then carries a charge. Positive or negative depending on the value judgement you have assigned. Constant repetition of the same thought and associated value judgement then builds up a greater charge. This charge is then stored in the body as potential energy, otherwise known as emotion. As time goes on the repetitive thought and judgement sink down into the unconscious mind. The idea is still there, but you cease to be aware of it. It continues on in the background, each belief automatically turning on or off according to the situation you are in. As these thoughts continue to sink into the unconscious, they conglomerate together according to similar value judgements. The groups of thoughts that are held together by similar judgments form our beliefs. Our beliefs are the framework for how we experience and interact with our reality. The sum of all our beliefs put together form our identity or who we “think we are”. This is not our true identity. It is just a bunch of ideas and judgments nothing more and nothing less. From this perspective it is best not to get so attached to an idea that you believe the idea is you. This is what it means to “identify with something”. When an unconscious belief continues to “run behind the scenes” to such a degree that it builds up potential energy that is greater than your will powers’ ability to manage, the charge gets released as kinetic energy and you either express emotion or act on the emotion. This manifests as positive or negative unconscious behaviour. In all circumstances (no exceptions) emotions are what cause us to act. In the case of a belief tied to a negative judgement, you end up doing something destructive to self or others, but have no idea why. As long as this program continues to run in the unconscious, it will continue to build up more stored potential energy until the discharge occurs i.e. positive or negative emotional expression or behaviour. The end effect is a behaviour that cycles and repeats over and over again. If your behaviour is to the benefit of self/others then that is not an issue. The problem becomes when destructive behaviours repeat over time. Without conscious observation of cause and effect of your behaviours and what thoughts and feelings are guiding them, your experience of life will be at the mercy of your unconscious programs. Since your judgements are the glue that holds your beliefs in place, it becomes extremely important to be aware of your judgements of self/others. Once you unwind the judgement of what is good/bad or right/wrong if applicable then many times (but not always) the entire belief can fall to pieces. Each belief is related to an area of potential energy stored as emotion in your body. Therefore when the belief is changed there can be catharsis. The emotional energy associated with that belief either gets released or transformed. When one belief changes, it usually gets replaced by another. The new perception you have now adopted will still also be held together by a value judgement of a more neutral or positive nature. This new belief will then be grouped together with other beliefs that hold similar higher value judgements (or frequencies) and the undischarged energy that was associated with the old perception will now hold within you a higher frequency. You now have a new perception and way of interacting with the world. The process by which you filter your thoughts and behaviours and replace them with higher vibration is of primary importance if you continue to experience negative behaviour loops and feel powerless to change them.
The way to get at these unconscious beliefs is to find out where there is disharmony between what you think, feel, say and do. All should point you in the same direction or something is out of alignment. We get so charged up about what we feel sometimes that we start to believe the stories we tell ourselves as the truth. If your thoughts want to take you in one direction but your actions take you in another, its your actions that tell the truth of what you really want. This is a primary way that I use in my meditations to call bullshit on myself. Sometimes brutal honesty with self is the only way to move forward. Either the idea of what I want needs to change or the action does. When you can align your thoughts, feelings and actions you are one step closer to living in your truth.
Sometimes however, no amount of self inquiry or observation will be enough to release the belief that is causing you problems. In this case the belief is rooted so deeply that you cannot even get close to it. But it still persists and you observe that it continues to control your behaviour. In this scenario what is required is experience that is in direct contrast to the controlling perception. When you experience contrast there is a part of your mind that starts to realize that what you are experiencing is not at all the same as what your preconceived notions are. This experience of contrast will slowly wear away at the structures your subconscious mind until they start to break down. How long this takes is different for everybody. In general, the more a person relies on the belief structure for a sense of identity the longer and more difficult the transformation takes. Growth requires a flexible view point on the life. Rigid thinking can be helpful in some cases but ultimately is antithesis to change. As the continued experience of contrast to the controlling idea continues, what happens is a seed is planted. There is the birth of a new idea that starts to grow within you.
Through experience of the opposition to what you believe, the part of your mind that observes and recognizes what is happening starts to make value judgements about these new situations. The more these contrasting scenarios repeat, the greater the build up of positive or negative charge in the mind due to the autopilot judgements of the experience. At some point this charge can build up to such a great degree that it becomes larger than the charge associated with the previous belief structure. When this happens the previous belief starts to break down. This can cause catharsis. The potential energy that has built up in the body with respect to the old way of perceiving then gets released as kinetic energy. Emotional release. The stronger the attachment over time to the previous idea, the more powerful the surfacing emotions will be. If the emotions are allowed to be expressed then the new idea starts to blossom within you as the old way of thinking continues to fade. The new belief structure can take root. The veil of the old belief dissolves and no longer has no hold on you. All through the experience of contrast.
When an experience comes your way that goes against what you believe, pause for a minute before you reject it. Life may be trying to open your mind to a new way of thinking.