Here are some examples of some patterns of behaviour I have witnessed in working with people over the years.
Go on a diet. Loose weight. Go off the diet. Gain weight. Repeat.
Spend money on a course to make money. Don’t make any money and go further in debt. Repeat.
Meet your soulmate. Relationship is flying high for a while. It crashes and you break up. Repeat.
Get a job. Can’t stand the job. Quit job. Repeat.
Sometimes these experiences can be just a part of life. However, if there is a continued repetition of any of these cycles over time, you are operating from the unconscious.
If you are stuck and can’t seem to progress any further in an area of your life, awareness needs to be brought to the faulty perception that is guiding you.
Identify the pattern. Once you do this you will be able to notice this repetitive scenario as it comes to you. When this happens step back from your typical reaction and start the process of self inquiry. Take a breath……What is going on inside of you? Noticing your typical reaction empowers you to behave in a different way. This breaks the pattern! This change in behaviour will automatically make you feel uncomfortable. This is good! Whatever you are feeling when you break routine is pointing you to the unconscious belief within that has been guiding your behaviour in the first place. Fear, lack of self worth, misperception, inner disconnection can be some of many guiding forces here. You may not be able to identify it right away. No worries. It will take practice.
Recognizing the negative cycles that repeat in your life over time is a very powerful tool for building self awareness and moves you forward on the path to inner freedom.