So many of our bad habits today are just the body’s way of trying to balance out its energy levels.
When you are low you grab for whatever picks you up. When you are high you grab for whatever brings you back down. When body awareness is low these habits become automatic and usually come with long term consequences. When you are not aware of how your body is feeling, the moment you grab for sugar, alcohol, coffee, cigarettes etc…..IS the sign that your energy is out of balance.
Through meditation you become more attuned to what state of being your body is in at any given moment. You can then take appropriate measures of movement, breathing, nutrition or rest to balance out that energy. In theory it sounds simple. The issue is the state of being for most of society is very polarized. Meaning hyper stimulated and anxious or burnt out and depressed. By the time someone reaches these extreme states, exercise, nutrition and meditation can still help but it takes a looooong time to bring body and mind back into balance.
Our focus tends to be dominated by perceiving the world around us and not the world inside of us.
So much so that we have become utterly dependant on unhealthy vices to keep us going rather than use what is natural and beneficial to keep us balanced.
Through regular practice of tuning to your inner world, balancing the body’s energy can become your way. Daily adjustments to total workload, diet, stress, sleep, movement etc… become a natural part of keeping your energy centered.
When it comes to health and longevity your body knows the truth, your mind does not. Take some time to add stillness and start listening to what your body is trying to tell you.