Plug Your Energy Leaks

Would it make sense to keep bailing water out of a boat without plugging the leak first? Of course not.

Yet this is how many of us live our lives. We all try to say yes to healthy eating, exercise and loving relationships but it never seems to stick.  If you have been struggling with making better lifestyle choices, it’s because somewhere there is an energy leak in your life.  Pay attention to what in your life is making you tired beyond what you can handle. It can be physical, like poor sleep habits, working to much, or too much junk food. It can be a chronic mental drain like self criticism, constant worrying, or accepting less than you are worth. The poor lifestyle habit is just covering that up: like bailing water out of the boat without plugging the leak. Every time you say NO to a poor lifestyle habit or negative thought pattern, you liberate energy within yourself. This is how you build will power and discipline.  This is how you build mental resilience. Saying NO to what drains your energy is just as important as saying YES to would increases your energy. Its two side of the same coin. When you do this, you can then start to liberate enough energy within to stick to healthy choices that feed you and enjoy life again.  Much love to all!