When you are going through transformation it is important to give yourself stillness to allow for what needs to come to the surface. The old version of you is on its way out and a new version of you is arising within. Whatever is coming up for you is totally valid and must not be pushed aside. This helps the transformation to take place. When all of this emotion comes to the surface these are the stages that occur.
- Destabilization – shit gets overwhelming and life can get out of balance in a hurry if you don’t have support
- Expression – If you are aware of what is happening, you find ways to express what is coming up. If you are not aware, then it all comes out anyways and not always in a healthy manner.
- Realization – after the negative feelings have been expressed, a new way of thinking or perception comes to shed light on that which you were previously unaware of.
- Re-direction – this realization changes your behavior in a way that can often provide a course correction for you on your path in life.
- Integration – finding a new balance with life and your relationship to it. This allows you to operate from your new self.
Being able to recognize where you are at in the process can help shed some light on where to focus your energies if you are feeling stuck.