This is a very big question that people ask when they lose control in their life or when things have happened in a way that do not meet up with our expectations of what should be. When people ask this question, it is often coming from a place of a lack of empowerment, helplessness or at its worst a victim mentality. Please know that when you are asking the question why is this happening to me? there are two things going on. 1) Your mind is looking for safety and security. It does this by creating a label or definition of an event so you know who you are and how to act in relation to that event. Even if you come up with a label of what is happening that is still far from the truth but is somehow accepted by your mind, that perception still gives the scared aspect of yourself something to grasp onto and believe in. More importantly that idea has the effect of providing you a focus for all the negatives emotion that need to be expressed. This is a very important concept to embrace. In the case of Coronavirus people invariably start blaming other people, nations or shadow governments and then start to vent and direct all of their fear, hatred and anger at these other people. The problem becomes if you do not realize that these things are just a focus for you to vent your negative emotions on, you start to believe that the story you have told yourself is the truth. Then you start to take harmful action against that which you blame. This creates a cycle of fear, hatred and anger that will only continue to grow and can cause violent uncontrolled outbreaks as people vent their fear and frustration. This is not the way to approach the situation. If you can recognize the idea as to “why you think this is happening” as the focus of your negative emotions instead of what you believe as the truth, then the process is a matter of recognizing what you are feeling and venting it out into the universe and not at any one particular person or group. When the fear has been released, then you will no longer hold on to the idea of who you are blaming for what has happened and you can start to adopt a higher more loving perception of why certain events have transpired.
The second concept behind the question “why is this happening?” goes a little bit deeper. When you ask this question it means a part of you is not accepting that it actually IS happening. This is of tremendous importance to realize. If there’s something happening in your life that is causing you pain, suffering or not meeting your expectations, one of the most important things you can do is to accept that it is actually happening. When you accept what is, it then provides a strong platform of empowerment to not let your negative emotions overtake you. Otherwise you would attack that which you have labelled as your false focus. When you accept that this is happening, it automatically diffuses the aspect of yourself that is in denial and resistance to what is. When you are no longer operating from that place of denial, then you are more likely to see the truth of what is going on or move forward and take actions from a place of faith that everything will end up okay even if it is not what you want.
You truly cannot see why things have happened until the veil of strong negative emotions has been lifted. What this means, is that the saying hindsight is 20-20 is quite literal. When you label things from fear, judgment or pain your actions will then arise from those places and cause further harm to others and self. Can you look back at a time in your life and now see a different reason for why that happened? If you can, this is wonderful as it means you have outgrown the veil of deception and fear that you had shrouded yourself in and come to a more loving place. The further you get away from the events of the past and move into the future, the more wisdom you’ll gain. You will be able to label such past experiences as closer to why they actually happened rather than why you think they happened at the time of occurrence. Even then as you move even farther into the future you will also notice that your definitions of what happened in the past will continue to grow and change and evolve as you do. This is an amazing and wonderful experience and necessary for your awakening process.
When you find yourself asking why is this happening? Stop take a breath the first thing you do is say to yourself “I accept that this is happening.” Even if you don’t like it. If you have the power to change it then do so. However, things happen in life that we have no control of and all we can do is accept it. Once you have accepted it do your best to suspend your definition of why you think it is happening until a time that you can come to a more neutral or positive way of defining the experience. When you can do this, you have moved forward another step on your awakening journey.