Life Principal #1 – We Are One

To build a happy harmonious life it is helpful to understand not only yourself, but also how life works.  There are “rules of the game” that are in place and once you can better understand how reality itself works then how you perceive and interact with life totally changes. (at least it did for me!)  The following series will explain these principles from the macroscale to the microscale.

The first principle that guides all of life is the interconnectedness of everything.  You are everything and everything is you.  This is the ultimate truth of life. It is not figurative; it is quite literal.  Many of the great sages say it is this belief in the illusion of our separateness from the rest of life that is THE fundamental cause of all our suffering.  From this one principle all other principles follow.

Since we generally don’t experience ourselves as “all that is” on a daily basis, it means something is disconnecting us from that experience and as such we are blind to our true nature.

The barrier that separates us from knowing our true self is our own ego. This is what gives us our sense of individuality.  In early childhood the ego forms by building up wall after wall of conditioning and self identity to survive and cope with life.  But it is precisely these inner walls that must be broken down to understand our nature. Since our ego is a creation of our own mind then it follows that the journey to experience our true nature must be an inward one to a place of pure stillness where the barrier of the ego mind dissolves.

This what you experience in the deepest levels of meditation, prayer or devotional work where the separation between the observer and the observed breaks down.

What this all means on a practical level is to start behaving in a way that moves you into alignment with this principal.  Since this journey is primarily an inward journey it is first and foremost about learning how to love yourself.  As you keep going deeper within you take the lessons learned needed to build inner harmony and then apply them to the world around you, thereby creating a life that is more unified in nature. 

The connection between you and all of life is bridged by building a deeper connection with yourself. 

As you continue to progress your higher sense faculties such as intuition and empathy start to come online.  It is your higher senses that tune into the subtle non-physical aspects of life that will strengthen your connection to all of life around you.  This enables you to move from the idea of interconnectedness to the direct experience of it.

When you experience your greater self that is beyond body, mind and emotions it is a game changer and how you relate to life fundamentally changes.

But there is a catch.  We cannot know ourselves without our opposite.

This leads into the next principal of life: polarity.

This is why life gets difficult.

Stay tuned…….

Much Love,


Follow me on instagram @davehurdle