If you cannot let go, love becomes attachment.
Fear makes you believe love is what brings you pleasure.
If you cannot let go of attachment, it becomes addiction.
Fear makes you seek more pleasure to avoid pain.
If you cannot let go of addiction, it becomes your identity.
Fear has convinced you that you would cease to exist without it.
These are the stages you go through when you cannot let go of what you need to when its time has come. Each stage comes with a greater amount of suffering until you finally decide to surrender.
What needs to be let go of is your own definition of what it means to give and receive love to either self or others. If that means breaking ties and walking a different path, so be it. If it means discovering a higher reason to continue on the same path, then that is fine too. Your honesty is required to know which option is best for you.
If you choose, the daily mindful question to ask yourself is:
What is it that I cannot let go of even though it is in my best interest to do so?
Be still and see what comes up.
When you choose to finally let go of the belief that preventing you from letting go, then you are one step closer to freedom and liberation.
Much Love,