The Importance of A Unified Mind

This article is a continuation of a previous article called Thought Barriers.  Click here to read part 1.

Coherence – the idea behind recognizing the mind traps I have been posting thus far is to build coherence.  This is the quality of a unified whole.  Our minds are highly compartmentalized. Without any self inquiry we won’t be able to recognize different inner aspects that can be our own worst enemy. When a part of your own being is working against you, an already challenging situation can become extremely difficult.  To overcome life’s challenges, it is imperative to have the quality of a unified whole within.  That means 100% of your being moves forward on a chosen path without diversion.  As the separate parts of you are integrated, your focused attention becomes the diamond that can cut through anything in its way.

Inner Compass – the busy mind blocks you from access to higher guidance.  As the mind creates false scenarios to be afraid of, it creates a contracted or dense energy state within your being.  Everyone has their own inner compass to guide them through life.  However, these energetically dense aspects within, create a barrier that makes it more difficult for the compass to read which way is north.  As you learn to identify and release thought barriers and build coherence, the mind becomes still enough for you to have greater access to your own higher wisdom.  You begin to walk a path that is your own and no one else’s.

Interconnectedness – As the mind unifies and becomes more still, your subtle sense faculties will come online.  Empathy and intuition are usually some of the first subtle senses to arise.  These subtle senses will then allow you to feel and connect with life in a greater way then you previously could.  As you learn to connect with yourself on a deeper level, so will you then be able to develop a deeper connection with life around you.  These subtle senses will enable you to see life from a higher perspective that keeps you going with the current of life rather than against it.

Compassion – Any negative judgement reinforces energetic density within.  Having a still mind allows greater access to compassion by keeping you out of judgment.  As you continue to identify and free yourself from the trappings of the mind you learn greater self acceptance.  This process enables you to see from a higher perspective.  You see the hard lessons you have learned as impetus for your own growth and transformation. When you wake up in this fashion, it enables you to see why others behave in negative ways.  This understanding lets you hold a space of compassion for them instead anger or fear. As your capacity to love grows, you hold the light so others have a chance to do the same.

Energy – These pockets of dense energy in the body that are created by negative judgements are like mini black holes.  They draw in energy.  This drains a persons’ vitality over the long run and puts a cap on what a person is capable of achieving and how much joy they can experience.  This internal drain of energy will also manifest in your behaviour. In living from these mind traps, greater energy will be required to fight against the external world.  You may even be fighting to achieve something that can take you far off your intended path.  You may be chasing your tail, or repeatedly stopping and changing directions. All of these waste energy. To reach your highest potential, energy must be used in the most efficient way possible. It takes much energy to go against the current of life.