The Three Keys to Awakening Process
There is a tremendous reserve of bio-energy within us just waiting to be unleashed. This energy, when released, purifies your physical, mental, emotional and energetic bodies and gives you a tangible experience of the truth of who you are. You are love. Eternal and infinite with unlimited creative intelligent potential. The purpose of this website is to provide a roadmap and supply guidance on how to navigate your way through all of the barriers in life that block you from experiencing your true self. Even though we have a massive store of bioenergy within us, the world that we live in can cause such a rapid drain on this energy that the energy gets stuck within us. This prevents the energy from rising upwards from the root to the crown to experience the true self.
You are a physical body, a mental body, an emotional body and an energy body. Anything that drains the energy from any of these bodies prevents the energy from rising upwards. The following represents a general guideline as to how to progress. Many people will come in at different places in their journey so the starting point for each will be different, but generally I recommend the following order.
- Awaken the physical body – start with the physical body and any related thoughts and feelings that prevent the physical body from experiencing vibrant health and abundant energy. Modern society today lives with high stress jobs, junk food, disrupted sleep and the highest level of pollution we have ever been exposed to. All of these factors keep the body in a state of fight or flight. This is the biggest barrier to the awakening process. The fight or flight response keeps you in the reptilian part of your brain that can only think about survival of the self at any cost. A very low state of consciousness to be sure. Only when the body has attained certain level of health does that allow the energy to be liberated in order to move upwards to the emotional center and then the spiritual center. The physical keys ideas to master for vibrant health are breathwork, sleep, nutrition, hydration, detoxification, posture, work rest balance (stress reduction) and conservation of sexual energy.
- Awaken the mental and emotional body – Once a good level of physical vitality is attained then the focus becomes on rewiring your mental and emotional bodies. Meditation is used as the primary source of self inquiry because meditation provides stillness. It is from this stillness of mind that you can then start to observe and deconstruct any negative beliefs, judgments and start to forgive many of the pains that we carry around with us. Having some tools to deal with your shadow is a necessity. As long as we are not conscious of the shadow side of our selves, there will remain strong blockages on our energetic channels that will prevent the upward flow of energy from root to crown. We have all adopted many beliefs from society that were a necessary part of our survival, but at this stage all of those ideas that come at us from the external world that tell us who we are and how we should be, need to be let go of. Authenticity is key to moving forward. At this stage there can be a tremendous upheaval in one’s life because as you start to align with the new version of yourself then whatever is not in alignment with that, will start to fall away. Jobs, relationships, health, where you live, friends, family and finances are all at the mercy of the expression of your authentic self that is emerging. Learning to let go is a key lesson that must be mastered at this stage. The mental and emotional rewiring can take a lot of energy and can be quite tiring. This is why it is necessary to have strong physical health as a prerequisite. If your body’s vitality drops below a certain level it will not allow the emotional healing to take place, instead using the energy for physical survival. It is imperative that you continue to support your physical vitality as much as possible during this stage. As you clear out much of the mind chatter, old beliefs and traumas you will start to develop a stronger sense of your internal compass: Intuition. In the beginning the voice of intuition is very gentle, that is why you need to have a reasonably still mind to get in touch with it. Again, regular meditation is very important for this. Learning to trust this inner voice is the next leap you will have to take because it will often take you into places that are uncomfortable and unfamiliar to you. Through the building and strengthening your connection to your inner compass you will start to become more confident in moving through the awakening process and this will eventually become your prime method of decision making moving forward. By the end of this phase you will have a strong connection with your higher guidance and have a freely flowing emotional body. What this means is that you will not resist the expression of negative emotions and you will not excessively try to grasp at holding onto positive emotions. Whatever feeling arises you will embrace and experience and when it is gone you will let it go. This is emotional freedom. Then, when the emotions are integrated they can propel you into great action.
- Awaken the Energy Body – in order to dive deeper into yourself to experiencing who you truly are, learning to sense and feel energy is a very important skill to master. This will help you to get in touch with your energy body (most of us are very disconnected from this) to start to move energy from the root to the crown. Chi kung, tantra, breathwork and tactile imaging (by robert bruce) are all prime methods of connecting with the energy body. Visualization only works if it is accompanied by a direct feeling of energy moving. If this does not happen then the visualization is ineffective. The energy must be felt. There are certain energy channels running through your entire body that are the blood vessels of your energy body. These energy channels not only supply bio-energy for the functioning of your physical body but also are required for the deep purification of your mental and emotional body. A much deeper purification than you can do using any other method. This energy is so purifying to all of your entire being that it quite literally changes the energetic blueprint that you were born with. The main energetic structures that are involved in this process are the meridians, the microcosmic orbit, the macrocosmic orbit, the three dan tiens, the chakras, and the kundalini channels. As the bio energy continues to rise from the root center to the crown it will purify deep, deep, levels of emotional trauma from present life, past life and the collective that you are carrying with you. At this stage there will be a strong physical sensation of liquid fire or electricity moving up the spine, inside your organs, front of body, side of body and limbs. At this stage the purification is so deep that when the cleansing occurs the negative emotions must be expressed or it can manifest as great physical pain or illness. This is why some level of emotional mastery must be attained in the previous phase in order to allow the free flowing of the emotional body. This will help you move through this phase with as much ease as possible. The culmination of this stage is marked by an explosion of energy from the root center bursting through the crown out of the top of the head. The intensity of this experience is akin to a volcano exploding within. It is not a subtle experience. When the energy rises up to the crown you experience unity consciousness. This is known as a kundalini awakening. The experience of yourself as All That Is, is pure bliss. The highest amount of pleasure any individual can possibly attain. You cannot describe it, but you can experience it. When this happens the energy can be strong enough to involuntarily move your body in jerking seizure like motions, into certain postures, hand gestures or have certain noises come out of your mouth. These can be scary but they are all apart of the inner purification that is taking place. Surrender is the main lesson at this stage because you will be far beyond what most society considers believable and your mind will have doubts that’s this stage will ever end. Trust that it will. As long as you surrender to the energy and what is going on and not resist it, you will move through this stage as fluidly as possible. Again I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to keep your physical vitality high and emotional body freely flowing as this stage of purification requires the highest amount of energy and it will not happen if the physical body is in any weakened state or the emotional body is inhibited. Once you experience your true self it changes you at a deep level, however eventually you have to come back down to earth. Reintegration into the world and being able to function in it with a new perspective is of utmost importance. The function of spiritual awakening is not to escape from the trials of this reality. It is to bring the infinite love that you have connected with and ground it into this reality. If there is one thing that this world needs more of, it’s love! For some this might mean you have awakened to your greater purpose in life. For others it might mean just embodying the highest love on a day to day basis without any particular mission at all. You will know when the time comes.
To connect with your true self is why you are here. It’s why we are all here. The mechanism is built into all of us and it is intimately tied to breath and the bio-energy that we all have within us. For most people this happens at such a slow rate that they never notice so they try and force it. It is best not to take short cuts, force or control this process as it can fracture a persons’ psyche and you can spend the rest of your life trying to pick up the broken pieces of your mind. It is best to support and nourish this process with appropriate lifestyle measures and let it happen naturally. Then, when all of the physical, emotional and energetic support structures are in place your awakening process can be beautiful and blissful rather than a terrible nightmare. If you wish to be an active and conscious participant in your awakening process then I hope this site can serve as a guide to you in your Awakening Energy!