3 Great Reasons To Calm Your Mind

  1. Energy – The cumulative energy drain over time from a busy mind is enormous.  A person can literally think themselves into exhaustion if they are not aware of what is going on in their own head.  Having a calm mind can liberate enough energy for you to put into things like exercise, proper eating or creative endeavors that will give you even more energy instead of taking it away.
  • Reduced conflict –Jumping to conclusions without having all the information you need to make the right call is a fantastic way to make your life more difficult.  Having clear mind allows you the patience to overcome snap judgements/bad decisions by taking the time to investigate what you what you do not know and see the bigger picture.
  • Increased self awareness – having a still mind allows you to observe the cause and effect of your own actions.  This helps to identify repetitive behaviours in your own life that are taking you nowhere.  Increased self awareness allows you to be proactive in changing what is not working for you. This is tremendously empowering.